Friday, September 24, 2010

Summer Friday

A quick thank you to all those parents who came out to the open house last night. It was great to finally get to put some faces to people's names and to see those I already knew but didn't know would be there (whole small world thing - especially when my father THE Mr.Brooks has taught some of the parents...).
Today students were reminded of the importance of not talking out in class (again) and were reminded about how rewards only come when the work is done...and done well.
Yesterday students had a chance to test some of there tinfoil boats they designed - the current record in 103, but there are more boats to come.

In Art we worked again no our abstract line projects and they are now due on Tuesday morning and there will not be any more time in class for the work.
In Math we are close to wrapping up our first unit which means next week we will be starting review and having a practice test.
Students finished their Memoir Analysis paragraph today in the computer lab and handed them in. Next week we are startig to plan out and rough draft the student's own memoirs.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Mr. Brooks (jr)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunny Monday

Hope everyone enjoyed that summer like weekend we just had. Today in class we had a little Math quiz on the first 3 lessons we have covered. This was only a small quiz meant to show me how the students work individually in a quiz situation. In class many times the students work with their seating partner(s) so I wanted to see how they did when tested as most seemed to be doing very well when we checked homework and classwork in class. This was not a unit test and there was no review done in advance (which will happen on all other Math tests).
Today the students had to hand in their Science Title page a number of students did not have this completed (assigned last Thursday), some stayed in to complete others are bringing them in tomorrow. Motto, "If it is not here, it is not done."
Reminder that tomorrow students are to have their art portfolios completed. Half the class has already got theirs on the wall ready for Open House Night this Thursday.
Senior boys soccer tryouts continue tomorrow and cross country running training begins tomorrow as well.
Students are expected to have gym clothes every Monday and Thursday. They need to be ready to go outside for gym. We are playing soccer and unless it is raining we will be outside on the soccer field. Students are allowed to wear track and running pants for gym. It is chilly but that is why we run. Being prepared for gym class is part of the overall grade for physical education and is directed related to being able to demonstrate skills in the activities we are doing in class.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tues Sept 14

Students have some Math homework today pg 17 #1-3 following our Math lesson on Prime Factorization. We spent the first part of class reviewing key terms and adding them into our Math Dictionary that is to be kept at the front of the Math section in their binder. We have added these words to our Math word wall so students can keep familiar with them while working on problems. Today in English we begin making our Personal Timelines which will be used as a source of ideas for when we do personal writing. Each student needs to place at least one event per year of their life and rank it on a scale of good to bad. Unfortunately today many students decided not to use class time to their advantage and wasted it talking when they had been asked and reminded to work silently for the remainder of the class...hence a minor loss of part of recess and the resulting homework.

Tomorrow students will be doing independent reading and are reminded again to please make sure they always have their novels with them. We will be beginning reading responses to their personal reading in class in their Response Journals which will be assessed and sent home for signatures periodically.

Each student should begin to read independently each night for 20 minutes as part of their regular homework routine. This reading at home does NOT have to be the independent reading book they have chosen. They are free to read magazines, other non-fiction books, or newspapers. ALL READING IS GOOD!

For Visual Arts most students have begun their good copy of their portfolios and they will be due at end of class Friday. Those who do not finish it in class Friday will have to take it home to finish it for Tuesday - no marks will be deducted if it is taken home as long as it is submitted first thing Tuesday morning.

Mr Brooks

Friday, September 10, 2010

First Friday of the School Year

Well we made it to the first Friday! I say we as I too had to adapt to being back at school this week. Overall it was a great first week of school and I have really enjoyed getting a chance to know the students and to speak to a number of the parents.
Today we did our first writing journal entry in which we gave our opinion about 3D technology in the entertainment industry. Students watched the trailer of Avatar and I read them an article about the benefits, implications, and costs of the 3D technology in movies and television. Please ask your child to show you this writing as a number of students had very good opinions.
In Math we looked into 4 methods of problem solving and did some analysis on data regarding Canada being one of the best places to live (which is why we stand at attention for O'Canada!). Homework was pg 11 1-4, most students finished 1-3 in class. Some students did not complete their previous work pg 7-8 #4-8 and need to complete this as well (a number of these we taken up today in class).
The class also had their first Art and Computer classes today and have begun to work on assignments at school for those subjects.
A friendly reminder that agenda money is due as are all the forms sent home for signing by parents. Thanks to all those who have already sent the forms in.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys the Spencerville Fair!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3

Today we finished covering some review for the skills the students will need on the upcoming Math unit. A number of students did not finish all the questions in class so pg 7-8 #4-8 we assigned for homework. The answers are found at the back of the textbook and students have been told to correct their own work and fix any mistakes they might have. Due to time constraints in class not all questions are taken up. By the students checking their own answers they will know which questions to ask to be taken up in class the next day. As I have told the students I am available during recess for help as I am usually in my classroom if not on yard or lunch supervision.
The class had their first independent reading period today - unfortunately all brought their own books for reading. Fortunately I do have some books in the classroom, although my selection is somewhat limited. Tomorrow during computer lab students will have the opportunity to quickly pick a book out of the library if they need new reading material. Students are expected to have their independent reading with them at all times in class. Next week part of the students homework will be to read 20 minutes a night on their own.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2

Congratulations goes out to 8A as today they all had their first homework assignments done (I haven't had this before!). Today we put their Coat of Arms up on the wall and got down to some real school work. In Math we introduced the first unit for Numbers, Variables, and Equations. We began our review of concepts covered last year and the students were given 3 questions to work on in class and finish at home for tomorrow. In English we read our first short story and completed some comprehension questions in our Reading Response Journal - sharing our answers with the class. Students are asked to bring in their independent reading books for tomorrow. We do have a very small classroom library and we will go to the school library soon if the students cannot find a novel to read. Each student is expected to have their reading material with them each day and we will soon begin with the expected 20 minutes of reading at home at night.

Today I finally got to meet Mrs. Tyler's 8B class for science. A contract was sent home regarding classroom rules and agreements that needs to be returned once signed.

Reminder that a number of school documents have been sent home for signatures, the agenda money is due, and each students agenda should be signed nightly as I will check for signatures at the end of each day with my homeroom in order to make sure parents are aware of homework and upcoming events.

Many thanks

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School

Welcome to our grade 8 class blog.
I am happy to report that we had a great first day at school today. We had a number of activities that allowed me to see how the students worked independently and as part of a group. I have sent home a newsletter with a contract that needs to be signed by both the parents and the students for our classroom behaviour. In class today we listed how we would show respect in the classroom. The students also got their first little homework assignment - complete their coat of arms (in colour). This coat of arms will go with their picture in front of our classroom until after Open House night.
Over all a very good day and it was a pleasure to meet the real work begins tomorrow :)