Friday, November 30, 2012

Project Resource Link

Here is another link that the students can use to create their own grid paper, spinners, and shapes to use for their game project. Also, a really good Math resource for some interactive activities.

Dynamic Grid Paper

Mr. Brooks

Game Project


We have just completed our first week of working on our Math Game Project. Students are working on finishing their prototypes for testing next week. The game project focuses on geometry using a coordinate grid. The project incorporates Math, English, and Art so the students have been given a fair bit of time over the last three days in both Ms.Fenlong's and my own classes to get all of their planning done. I have been working on my own project alongside the students (Vikings vs Goblins) so they can see me model the process. Today we had Mr. Reed come in (a student from last year) and present his project which was a 4+. I told the students that it exceeded the expectations and that showed what we are capable of achieving.

I will be updating my website this weekend so that copies of all the templates are available. The deadlines for the project have been added to the calendar on the site as well. On Monday the students are expected to have the model of their board, game pieces, and rules/flowcharts completed in rough copy so that they can test it out with other students in class. Each student will receive a feedback form filled in from their focus group that they will then use to incorporate into their good final copy of the game.

Here is a link to last year's box designs for the games (some were great, others...)
Last Year's Project Pics

Game Project Outline

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friday Math Test


This Friday there will be a Math test for the geometry unit covering coordinate grids and transformations (rotations, reflections, and translations). I left two review sheets with my guest teacher yesterday that the students were to finish for homework. Today I put them into their Math groups where they went over their answers together and explained to each other where they had difficulties. Today I gave them another review sheet which had questions that were very similar to the format of the test and to the questions from the classwork/homework assignments.

Tomorrow I will be going over any remaining questions that the students have from the previous review and will be outlining the big ideas that we have covered in this unit. I expect them to use this review as a study guide to prepare for the test.

I will be having a Math club at second recess on Thursday where students can get a little more practice and help. For some students it will be mandatory for others it will be voluntary participation.

Many thanks,

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Progress Reports


Today the Interm Progress Reports are coming home with the students. Each student will also get a interview request form which allows parents to request a interview, phone call, an email, or check that no conference is required at this time. The school board no longer designates a specific day for interviews so they have to be coordinated by the individual teachers for after school.

A number of students will get a request for an interview from Ms. Fenlong and myself as we would like to touch base regarding the progress of the student and determine what can be done to improve his/her performance. For these families we have selected either next Wed or Thurs afternoon and set aside a specific 15 minute block to meet. If the time given doesn't work for you please let us know so we can try to reschedule.

If you want to have an interview and one has not already been assigned to you please check the request interview box and we will get back to you with a date and a time early next week once all the forms have been returned.

The progress report does not contain grades only whether the student is progressing well, very well, or with difficulty. With difficulty doesn' t mean that the student is failing the course but rather they are having difficulty reaching the provincial standards. Students with a PWD still have time to raise their  grades prior to the Term 1 report card that contains marks for each subject area.
If you or your child has any questions regarding the progress report feel free to email me or request an interview.

Please sign and help the student fill in the bottom of the report. All signature parts of the reports should be returned by Monday. We will be doing a reflective exercise with the students and be setting some goals for the remainder of the term. These goals will be assessed and updated at the end of first term.

Mr. Brooks