Monday, January 24, 2011

Boiling Water + Cold = Snow

Check out the link for something to try on a cold winter day...

And as we found out today...dying the boiling water doesn't really do much to the snow ;) (good question though...)


Important - High School Transition Meetings

Hello Parents
A newsletter is going home on Tues this week which gives a number of dates for information regarding next year's course selection at NGDHS. Tuesday Feb 1st the guidance staff will come to school during the day and discuss course options with the students. That evening at 6:45 the highschool will host an event in the South Branch gym for parents to get more information regarding programming choices.
On Wednesday Feb 9th NGDHS will host an open house from 7-9pm for students and parents.
All these are opportunities to get more information about your child's future choices within the Upper Canada School Board. Please try to attend.
If you cannot attend one of the parents nights please contact the high school with your questions.

Many thanks,

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Welcome Back

I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun holiday break, now back to work...
Both of the science classes are preparing to present their finished Design and Tech projects next Monday. 8A will be presenting with PowerPoint while 8B will be demonstrating their working models followed by an oral explanation of their solution.
We started a new unit in Math this week (Data Management) and we will be looking at how to collect and analyze data in a reliable and valid manner.
In English we are working on a short narrative story that I have provided a prompt for in the form of a WW2 photograph. The students are completing their templates and will begin their rough copies tomorrow. The final revised copy will be due next Tues/Wed. The students will be then able to write their own narrative story using the same templates but choosing their own subject matter.
In Reading we are working on creating Jot Notes (something they will need next year) from a nonfiction selection. We have already done jot notes on a health related reading and they are going to use these notes in creating an Art and English project - Healthy Eating for Teens poster.
A reminder that gym is on Monday and Thursday so gym clothes are required (a number of students are not coming prepared). We will also going outside over the next couple months to enjoy the winter wonderland so please help make sure that the students are coming to school with the required hat, mitts, and boots - we live in Canada ... it gets cold.
