Friday, December 14, 2012

Presentation Outline for Game Project

This is what you should cover in your game project presentation on Monday and Tuesday.

Remember this is a “Show and Brag” not a formal speech. We want your classmates to be able to see what you have accomplished in this project.

You may want to consider using jot notes or a word web to remember the things you want to say in front of the class.

Description/Questions to ask Yourself
What You Will Say
Name of Game
-what and why you called the game what you did
-how is it interesting
Objective of Game
-what is the purpose/goal of the game
-what type of game is it
Showing of Board
-what are the different parts of the board
-how used grid
-ideas behind design
Showing of Pieces
-explain design, types, number of pieces
Overview of Rules
-what are the basic rules
-how transformations are used
Problems & Solutions (for game design and rules)
-what problems did you encounter when making it
-what solutions did you find
-what did you learn from this project (not just the math)
Future Changes
-if you did a version 2 what would you do differently
Feedback From Players
-what have your testers told you about your game

Mr. Brooks

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Game Project Update


Well yesterday was a major deadline for the board game project. Since it was a snow day many students took advantage of the extra time to make sure their board and pieces were complete. Today I saw many students' work and I am very impressed with how some of the students have really taken this project and ran with it. Many students are going above the basic requirements with their board games.

Today I gave the students an outline for how to judge and write 1-2 paragraphs about how they have incorporated the Math concepts from this unit into their games. They are to use the score sheet provided to evaluate their use and explanation of the coordinate grid, plotting points, and all three transformations. The students are to use their mathematical vocabulary from our word wall in their paragraphs.

This part of the project will be due Monday and should be done in rough draft then good copy. Students were given time today in class to start it (some chose to work on their rule books) and they will have more time this week to work on the planning and rough copy.
The students should have their rulebooks 90% done for tomorrow and their game boxes done for Friday. Presentations will take place next week on Monday and Tuesday in class.

Many thanks
Mr. Brooks