Friday, August 30, 2013

 Hello and welcome to the start of the new school year at North Grenville District High School!

I am Mr. Brooks and I am very happy to be back at our "still looks like new" NGDHS for a second year! Last year was a great year and we have learned lots since moving into our new facility. This year I am again teaching grade 8 Math, Science, Geography, and Gym alongside my teaching partner Mrs.Libby (formerly known as Ms.Fenlong). Mrs.Libby is teaching Language, History, Art, Drama, and Health. We are both joined by Mme.Doucet for French and Mrs. Lance who will be again teaching Instrumental Music.

There will be a newsletter coming home this week which will have a contract on the back that needs to be signed and returned. Each of my and Mrs. Libby's students will be getting a timetable on the first day to show how their classes will be laid out. This year the students will be experiencing more of a rotary experience between Mrs.Libby's classroom and my own which will help prepare them for grade nine next year.

I am looking forward to getting to know both you and your children this year as we work together to create a fun and educational experience for all.  Grade 8 is a busy year for the students as they are preparing to head off to high school and we have much to achieve this year to get them ready for this important step.

Throughout the year I will be sending class newsletters, updating my blog at, and tweeting (@mrrobertbrooks) so to better inform all of you as to what we as a class have achieved and to give notice to upcoming events and activities.
I try to keep communication between the classroom and home by maintaining a website on which I post homework and assignments.  I will be trying to update the website daily at the end of the day– however there will be occasions where this is not possible.  The website is  You will be able to view a classroom calendar and an assignment list where major projects will be posted.  I am hoping that this will help in homework completion and improve the lines of communication between the school and home.

I will be doing my best to try and update this blog weekly so that you are aware of what we are doing in class as well as highlighting some of the student's personal achievements.
I look forward to a fun and educational year!

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact me via phone at
(613)258-3481 or email at mr.robert.brooks

Mr. Brooks
Creative Problem Solving (not at its best though...)