Friday, October 22, 2010

Freezing Friday

Hello and TGIF
It was a busy week this week with the Intermediate Boys winning second place in the Regional Championships - CONGRATULATIONS to the team and their great coach :)
The week we wrapped up our group work in Science class regarding the scientific process and will be watching Mythbusters next week to create a sample lab report and see science in action. If you haven't ever checked out this show it is highly recommended as it covers many aspects of the scientific process.
In art we have completed our line art projects and the students are getting lots of positive reviews of their work posted in the hallway. We have now started a fall scene with incorporates line art, colour, and painting. The rough copies are looking good! The students sought inspiration on our outdoor hike on Tuesday through the woods - we all made it back.
Math was a tough week as we tackled scale drawings and proportions. Many students have struggled and we have taken more time to cover it. There will be a quiz next Tuesday or Wednesday only on Scale Drawings.
The students have begun to read the Outsiders in English class now that our Memoir Unit is complete. Each will have a Novel Study Journal in which their work will be kept. We have read Chapter 1 today and need to complete questions 2-5 in full sentences in their journal.

Next week we will be having a Halloween Dance on Friday and the class will be having a small celebration just before. Students have been encouraged to sign up to bring one item in and share it with the class. Please no peanuts or kiwi. We have a number of students with different allergies so please be aware of what students are brining in.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

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