Thursday, November 10, 2011

Science Test Coming Home for Signing

Just so you know the first science test of the season is coming home for a signature. The test was on the Scientific Process which we had been looking at for a number of weeks. We had used cooperative groups to study the steps and then did numerous activities in class prior to the test. The students had a question and answer sheet from which I chose the test questions from, so each student should have done fairly well. For those students who did not achieve the expected level I have decided to give a retest next week (this is not a usual occurence). Please sign the tests and return them to the school so that I can add it to the student's portfolio.

Just a reminder that I need all of the progress reports signed and returned to the school by Friday. I will be copying the returned progress reports with the student's reflection on it and returning a copy home for your records. I believe it is important that the students as well as the teacher have a copy of the reflection as it shows the student's plan for future success and improvement.

Many thanks

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