Monday, December 12, 2011

Classroom Update

Just a quick note about what the next couple of busy weeks before Christmas is going to hold for our grade 8 classroom. Tomorrow is our last Design and Technology day at Nationview Public School. The students are putting the "finishing" touches on their cranes and mousetrap cars while working on their wood working projects. The students will have a class or two back at South Branch to finish their designs before having to present them to the class in January. They will be expected to create a presentation of the project as well that covers the design process and their solution to the problem.
In Math we have started our unit on Circles and have begun to look at our new project which will be for Math, English, and Art. The Board Game project is now posted on my website on the assignments page. Students will begin working on their project designs on Wednesday.
We are almost finished the Outsiders novel and will begin to look at some of the bigger themes and issues covered in the book before we watch the movie next week. (All those famous actors as Greasers).
In English we had the locker project due today for which less than half the class had completed. The students have been reminded that rewards are earned and as a class we need to make sure we use our time wisely and be responsible for finishing our work.
We have wrapped up our watercolour project in Art class and will now be focusing on graphic design as part of our board game project. Stay tuned for our virtual art gallery...coming soon.
Next week we have a carolling session, a Christmas dance, a visit by the NGDHS band, a grade 7&8 outdoor activity morning (Predator vs Prey), a character assembly, a teacher vs student volleyball game, our Merry Melodies Christmas celebration (Tues night), and maybe even a class party (if homework gets done - 1 strike already...).
Hope everyone is having fun getting ready for that guy in the red suit...if only there was just a little bit of snow out there - not much, just a little...


Outsiders Chapter 8 & 9

1. Chapter Title and Reason Paragraph for Chapter 8 and Chapter 9
2. Timeline jot notes
3. Questions
a) How does what the doctor first says, on page 119, foreshadow Johnny's condition?
b) “We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang. And for the same reason" (p.121). What do you think Pony means, and what is the reason?
c) If Darry didn't have Soda and Pony, why would he be a soc?
d) What does Cherry mean when she says Bob "wasn't just anyone" on p.129?
e) Why do the boys fight? Why is Pony different?
f) What do you think Johnny's last words to Pony mean?

4. Big Question
a) On the bottom of p.132, when Pony asks what kind of a world it is, what comment is he making about how society judges people?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Outsiders Locker Project

Here is the outline for the current Outsiders Locker Project the students are working on. Rubrics were included in the outline given to students in class.

Outsiders Locker Project
You are required to create a school locker that would be used by one of the main or major characters in the Outsiders (yes, even though some no longer are in school). Using your character sketch of the five traits of a narrative character you must design a locker that will represent that character. The locker will contain physical items, have decorations, the front door will be customized (painted), and personal memorabilia (newspaper clippings, notes, photos, etc.). You will create a rough and good copy of your locker, the rough copy does not need to be coloured.

Your audience should be able to infer who your character is and even if they did not read the Outsiders they would be able to piece together some of the characters story. Remember that you can use symbolic as well as actual physical items to help tell the story of your character.

You are required to create a table that will list the items that are going to be used in or on the locker. Each item must be explained in the second column – tell why it is included and why it is important to your character. This will help you plan your locker and be a useful prewriting tool to your justification paragraph.
You will provide a one paragraph character sketch of your chosen Outsider character. You will then use your locker and table to write 1-2 paragraphs which explains your locker and justifies your choices. You are expected to have a rough and good copy completed.

Your locker project will be graded on your creativity, use of facts and inferences from the story, your neatness and art in the locker, and your justification of your design.

Mr. Brooks