Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Outsiders Locker Project

Here is the outline for the current Outsiders Locker Project the students are working on. Rubrics were included in the outline given to students in class.

Outsiders Locker Project
You are required to create a school locker that would be used by one of the main or major characters in the Outsiders (yes, even though some no longer are in school). Using your character sketch of the five traits of a narrative character you must design a locker that will represent that character. The locker will contain physical items, have decorations, the front door will be customized (painted), and personal memorabilia (newspaper clippings, notes, photos, etc.). You will create a rough and good copy of your locker, the rough copy does not need to be coloured.

Your audience should be able to infer who your character is and even if they did not read the Outsiders they would be able to piece together some of the characters story. Remember that you can use symbolic as well as actual physical items to help tell the story of your character.

You are required to create a table that will list the items that are going to be used in or on the locker. Each item must be explained in the second column – tell why it is included and why it is important to your character. This will help you plan your locker and be a useful prewriting tool to your justification paragraph.
You will provide a one paragraph character sketch of your chosen Outsider character. You will then use your locker and table to write 1-2 paragraphs which explains your locker and justifies your choices. You are expected to have a rough and good copy completed.

Your locker project will be graded on your creativity, use of facts and inferences from the story, your neatness and art in the locker, and your justification of your design.

Mr. Brooks

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