Friday, February 3, 2012

Game Projects Marked...Whew...

Firstly I wish to say congratulations to the students who really put forth alot of effort in their Board Game Project. I have spent the day marking the design, rules, and write ups and I must say I am really impressed with some of the students. When looking at a project this size you really get a good understanding of which students have developed a good eye for detail, time management, and pride in their work. We will be hosting a game day soon where other students will test out the student's creations and give feedback on their games.
I have uploaded a number of pictures of just the game boxes that I have recieved and marked so far. There are unfortunately a number of students who still owe the project and hopefully they will be done by Monday.
I will adding a link shortly to flickr ... turns out our technology at the school doesn't allow for media sharing sites...go figure.

Game Project Photos

Have a good weekend

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