Friday, September 28, 2012

Week in Review Sept 24-28

It was a busy week at North Grenville for our students. This week the students had their first dance, a presentation by the OPP on texting, and got to attend the JR boys football team's first game against St. Marys.

Students had their first Math test today on exponents, powers of ten, math strategies, and prime factorization. I gave extra time to both classes for students who were needing a little more time to complete their work. The students had access to our word wall and the anchor charts in the class room that they were allowed to use as a reference. A number of students had taken advantage of the Math Club that was offered earlier this week to get extra help or review.

I will be marking and looking at the results to see how the students prepared and fared on the test. This is our first test and it will give me a better understanding on how the individual students have been doing. After this test I will make adjustments to some of the student's programs to help ensure everyone's needs are being met and that success and progress are experienced by all.
Next week I will be sending home a portfolio containing the Math test. This portfolio will have a sign off sheet on the front for parents and will be sent home are certain intervals for signing. This will keep you informed as to the student's progress and achievements.

There are many outstanding newsletter sign off sheets that have not been returned yet. If you have the newsletter at home please return the sign off portion or write a note in the agenda indicating that you have received the newsletter.

Hope everyone has a good weekend,
Mr. Brooks

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