Friday, December 14, 2012

Presentation Outline for Game Project

This is what you should cover in your game project presentation on Monday and Tuesday.

Remember this is a “Show and Brag” not a formal speech. We want your classmates to be able to see what you have accomplished in this project.

You may want to consider using jot notes or a word web to remember the things you want to say in front of the class.

Description/Questions to ask Yourself
What You Will Say
Name of Game
-what and why you called the game what you did
-how is it interesting
Objective of Game
-what is the purpose/goal of the game
-what type of game is it
Showing of Board
-what are the different parts of the board
-how used grid
-ideas behind design
Showing of Pieces
-explain design, types, number of pieces
Overview of Rules
-what are the basic rules
-how transformations are used
Problems & Solutions (for game design and rules)
-what problems did you encounter when making it
-what solutions did you find
-what did you learn from this project (not just the math)
Future Changes
-if you did a version 2 what would you do differently
Feedback From Players
-what have your testers told you about your game

Mr. Brooks

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