Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Grade 8 Parent Night will be postponed...

The Grade 8 Parent Night will be postponed one week from Tuesday, January 29 from 6:30 to 7:30 to Tuesday, February 5 from 6:30 to 7:30 - still in the cafetorium.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tests for Signing


Most parents should have already seen and signed the Circles Math test this week. All redo work was collected today so some students could raise their marks by resubmitting some of the problems that caused them problems on the test. Unfortunately not many students took advantage of the extra help that was offered this Wed, Thurs, and Fri at recess. I continue to stress to the students that I am here to help but they need to ask the questions and pose the problems. Despite my best efforts I still cannot read minds.

Overall the Math test went very well with the majority of students demonstrating a good understanding about calculating and using the area, circumference, radius, and diameter of circles.

Today one class' Science test (8A) was sent home for signatures so please sign so we can put them into the student portfolios. Again many students were well prepared for this test as there were many B's and A's on the final grades.

Today also signalled the finale of a busy week as the students completed their Geography tests which will be on the term 1 report cards going home in February. It was a longer test but again students seem to have taken preparing for it seriously and most were able to complete it in the time given.
A reminder that next week has a PD Day on Wednesday and next Friday is the official start to Term 2.

Have a great weekend.
Mr. Brooks

Monday, January 21, 2013

Circle Word Problem

Here is the circle word problem assignment that is due tomorrow. We went over it in class and students had time to work on their rough copy. Tomorrow we are starting our Algebra unit.

Example of Multi-Step ProblemBrett and Emma have 50 meters of plastic edging that is used to enclose (surround) a garden. They want to make the biggest circular garden possible.

What is the radius and diameter of the biggest garden they could make?

What is the circumference of the garden?

What is the area of the garden?

They have a large statue of a garden gnome, to go in the center of the garden, with a circular base. The base has the diameter of 1 meter.

What is the area of the garden they now have to plant in?

They are to add new top soil to the garden and it costs $3.00 per square meter ($3.00/m). How much would the soil cost in total?

Create a word problem that involves but is not limited to the math we have learned in the circles unit (radius, diameter, circumference, area)

Use the textbook and notebook as examples of the types of problems you can incorporate. Don't copy.

The steps should be multi-step meaning that the answer isn't "easy" to get.

You need to print/type the question on one page and include the answer separately on another. All work is to be labelled and neatly laid out. A diagram is to be included in the answer.

Your name, the date, and the title need to be on the top of both pages.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game Day was a Success!

Today the grade 8 students presented their board game projects to the grade 7's in the cafeteria. Each grade 8 was paired up with another presenter and they had to demonstrate, explain, and play their games with 4 or 5 grade 7 students from the other classes. There were 48 grade 8 presenters and almost 100 grade 7's participating.
The 8's did a great job running their game groups and the grade 7's were extremely attentive and seemd to be having fun testing the games out. Ms.Fenlong and myself will be marking the games (for all the included subjects - Math, Writing, Media, & Art) over the next week. Students who were not here today or forgot their games will be presenting to another group of sevens next week at recess.

Here are a few pics of the games and their designers:

Congratulations to the grade 8's for a job well done and all the effort and creativity that was put into these projects!


Science Quiz Tomorrow

There is a science quiz tomorrow on Fluids. Here is the review sheet I gave and went over with students today in class. I also went over the recent questions they had to answer and discussed what might be important for the quiz.

Science Study Sheet – Fluids

The quiz will cover the three sections 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 from the text as well as any material discussed in class. These are the concepts and information you need to study and understand.

Big Ideas from Readings
·         Fluids are everywhere
·         Fluids are important to the human body
·         Categorizing fluids
·         Characteristics of Fluids
·         How fluids move
·         Difference between gas and liquids
·         Particle theory (explain and compare solids, liquids, gases)
·         How things flow
·         Types of flow
·         Turbulence
·         Flow rate and viscosity
·         Speed of flow
·         Factors affecting flow rate
·         Viscosity differences between more and less viscous
·         Cohesion and surface tension
·         Adhesion and Cohesion compared
