Friday, January 25, 2013

Tests for Signing


Most parents should have already seen and signed the Circles Math test this week. All redo work was collected today so some students could raise their marks by resubmitting some of the problems that caused them problems on the test. Unfortunately not many students took advantage of the extra help that was offered this Wed, Thurs, and Fri at recess. I continue to stress to the students that I am here to help but they need to ask the questions and pose the problems. Despite my best efforts I still cannot read minds.

Overall the Math test went very well with the majority of students demonstrating a good understanding about calculating and using the area, circumference, radius, and diameter of circles.

Today one class' Science test (8A) was sent home for signatures so please sign so we can put them into the student portfolios. Again many students were well prepared for this test as there were many B's and A's on the final grades.

Today also signalled the finale of a busy week as the students completed their Geography tests which will be on the term 1 report cards going home in February. It was a longer test but again students seem to have taken preparing for it seriously and most were able to complete it in the time given.
A reminder that next week has a PD Day on Wednesday and next Friday is the official start to Term 2.

Have a great weekend.
Mr. Brooks

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