Saturday, February 23, 2013

Design and Technology is Coming...


Next week we are starting our first Design and Technology class in grade 8. Each grade 8 class will be getting 4-5 classes in the woodworking shop where we will be constructing mousetrap cars. The grade 7 classes will later be building structures to compliment their science units.

The 8s will be working in pairs to construct a mousetrap car that can travel a minimum of 1 m and carry a cargo load that they will dump using pneumatics. To help with this construction we are looking for the donation of old CDs or DVDs that the students could use as wheels for their cars. All other supplies will be provided.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

Friday, February 22, 2013

Science Lab Assignment

This week we did a lab on the flow rate of a variety of substances. This is the assignment outline that I have given the students. Both classes have had some time to work on the assignment this week. It is due on Tuesday.


  • completed table (ruler, calculations)
  • diagram (materials, procedure, colour, labels, action shot)
  • bar graph (Analyze & Evaluate part A, using FLOW RATE)
  • paragraph summary (Analyze & Evaluate part B)
  • title page (lab title, date, class, name)
Paragraph Summary/Conclusion
  • make conclusion regarding relationship between flow rate and residue
  • use evidence from lab (numbers & observations) to prove you are correct
  • use science facts to explain why this happened from 7.3 Flow Rate and Viscosity reading done in class
  • a good answer will be 1-2 paragraphs in length and use both research and evidence to support your conclusion
If you or your child have any questions please email. I will be available at recess on Monday if any help is required.

