Friday, February 22, 2013

Science Lab Assignment

This week we did a lab on the flow rate of a variety of substances. This is the assignment outline that I have given the students. Both classes have had some time to work on the assignment this week. It is due on Tuesday.


  • completed table (ruler, calculations)
  • diagram (materials, procedure, colour, labels, action shot)
  • bar graph (Analyze & Evaluate part A, using FLOW RATE)
  • paragraph summary (Analyze & Evaluate part B)
  • title page (lab title, date, class, name)
Paragraph Summary/Conclusion
  • make conclusion regarding relationship between flow rate and residue
  • use evidence from lab (numbers & observations) to prove you are correct
  • use science facts to explain why this happened from 7.3 Flow Rate and Viscosity reading done in class
  • a good answer will be 1-2 paragraphs in length and use both research and evidence to support your conclusion
If you or your child have any questions please email. I will be available at recess on Monday if any help is required.



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