Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Science Fair Update & Drummer HW

So our science fair is moving along. The students have been performing their experiments and working on the lab report templates. We have a number of students who are falling behind on their work so please check to see how your child is progressing on this project.
The some of the dates have changed due to scheduling conflicts and deadlines not being met (in larger than acceptable numbers). We have a project tracking wall at the back of the classroom where each student moves their name to the milestones that need to be completed in this project. It is a good visual for myself and the students to make everyone aware of how they are progressing. Please visit the website for more details of the work the students must complete.

The new dates for the science fair:
- May 26th the actual day of the fair in the gym
- May 4/5th the rough copy of lab report (all template information typed up)
- May 11th backboard is 50% finished and brought into school for feedback
- May 17th final project (display and report) are completed

Hopefully students take advantage of this extra time and work on creatig a high quality project.

Note to Drummers

Be sure to check the website for updates on your work you need to finish while on the road - don't fall behind.
I will be updating the language, math, and science pages with downloads and readings that need to be completed.

Many thanks

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