Friday, September 23, 2011

Weekly Wrap Up Sept 23rd

Thanks to all the parents who showed up at the open house last night. It was great to meet all of you and get to put some faces to names. I would also like to thank all the great feedback and support you showed for your children and their education.

This week we worked on our rough copies of our memoirs and will be revising them next week. Students should have their rough copies typed up by Tuesday to start editing them as the good final copy is due next Friday. A project outline and rubric has been handed to the class already.

In math we were working on order of operations and solving equations. We have discussed isolating variables, inverse operations, and balancing the equations. We will have a short quiz on Monday to review the basic concepts. At the end of next week there will be a review and a unit test will follow during the first week of October.

The students are still working on their group project for understanding the Scientific Process and will be soon learning how to write a lab report by watching a Mythbusters episode (those guys can blow up anything).
Next week we have bus evacuations on Monday and Tuesday (two days because we are helping the kindergarten classes). South Branch's Terry Fox walk is next Wednesday at Riverside Park.

South Branch's annual walk a thon will be held on October 11th, forms and pledge collections have been sent home today. All money collected is due in cheque form on Oct. 11th at the latest. Our class goal is 600 while the school goal is 10 000 - if reached we get the see some superheroes in the office.

How everyone has a great weekend.
Mr. B

Friday, September 16, 2011

Week 2 Update

Well our first full week of school has ended nicely. This week we really hit the books and started into our various subjects.
In English students were working on researching and reading memoirs while practicing the reading strategy of making connections to the text. We read a number of memoirs written by young adults and have started to plan out our own memoirs that we will begin to write next week.
In Math we had our first quiz on exponents and prime factorization today. At first look it seems most have a good grasp on the lessons taught this week. Once marked the quiz will be sent home for parental signature.
We have started looking at the scientific process in Science class. The students have been divided into various groups and are learning how to work effectively to break a large problem down into smaller parts so to better reach their collaborative solutions.
Next week we hope to start the Intermediate Boys soccer tryouts and we continue to hone our soccer skills in gym class.
Please remember that next week is picture week, open house, and the book fair. Notes have gone home from Mrs.Lance regarding the music program so please check in with your child as there is some information regarding music books.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and has a chance to enjoy the wonderful weather and the Richmond Fair.
Mr. Brooks

Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 1 Wrap Up

Well it has been a good first week for the new grade 8's at South Branch. I am really impressed with how focused the class is and how they are showing to be mature young adults in the school and classroom.
This first week has been the getting to know you phase in which I have monitored the students in a variety of individual and group activities. We are now beginning the real work portion of the school year. A number of homework assignments have already gone home and while there was a disappointing first showing all the students made sure to have their work done for the second assignment.
This week we have started reviewing some basic Math concepts and worked on the skills we will need for our first Math term which covers exponents, factors, and scientific notation. In English we are starting with the reading strategy of making connections and are starting to plan our first writing assignment - memoirs. The first unit of science will be focusing of the scientific process and the skills needed to be successful in science class.
A thank you to all those who have returned all necessary school and classroom forms. If you haven't sent in the forms or agenda money please do so early next week so I can send all the paper work to the office for processing.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Hope everyone as a great weekend (I know Fridays have more meaning now than in the summer...)

Mr. B