Friday, September 9, 2011

Week 1 Wrap Up

Well it has been a good first week for the new grade 8's at South Branch. I am really impressed with how focused the class is and how they are showing to be mature young adults in the school and classroom.
This first week has been the getting to know you phase in which I have monitored the students in a variety of individual and group activities. We are now beginning the real work portion of the school year. A number of homework assignments have already gone home and while there was a disappointing first showing all the students made sure to have their work done for the second assignment.
This week we have started reviewing some basic Math concepts and worked on the skills we will need for our first Math term which covers exponents, factors, and scientific notation. In English we are starting with the reading strategy of making connections and are starting to plan our first writing assignment - memoirs. The first unit of science will be focusing of the scientific process and the skills needed to be successful in science class.
A thank you to all those who have returned all necessary school and classroom forms. If you haven't sent in the forms or agenda money please do so early next week so I can send all the paper work to the office for processing.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Hope everyone as a great weekend (I know Fridays have more meaning now than in the summer...)

Mr. B

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