Thursday, January 26, 2012

Back to Blogging

It has been a while since the last update so here is what is happening in our classroom.
The students' portfolios have been sent home for a signature. In them you will find a number of writing, math, and art assignments and tests that the students have been doing since the Interm Report. Please just sign the front of the folder and return it to the school by this Friday.
Our board game project is finally coming to a close. Students have been working hard since before Christmas to design their board games that make use of a coordinate grid. This project involves a Math, Art, Media, and Language component. From what I have previewed and observed some students have put alot of thought (critical thinking) and effort into their work so I look forward to seeing all of the final projects.
In Science we just had our Living Things Quiz in class. Most students did fairly well but some still did not prepare for the quiz by studying their notes and work. These are included in the portfolio that was sent home. Students this week are also presenting their DT projects of the crane and the car. Each team made up a PowerPoint which they will use to present their solutions and design plans to the class. Soon we will begin studying cells using the microscopes.
In Art we are completing our Healthy Eating for Teens posters (again Art, English, and Media).
In English we have been really focusing on note taking through jot notes by having the students read a variety of nonfiction texts which apply to all of the projects we have been working on. On of the things each project will be assessed on is the use of the information that the students have pulled from these readings.
The last few weeks have been very busy for everyone and it has been great to see how some of the students are able to manage their time and work. Skills that are always needed.
Reminder report cards will go home on Feb 14th (Happy Valentines!).
Mr. Brooks

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