Thursday, October 10, 2013

Test Results and Math Club Next Week

Just a follow up regarding the Math test coming home today.

Next week I will be having a Math Club (date to be confirmed) at recess so to help a number of students with areas they had difficulty with on the test. The students who need to attend will have it commented on their tests. In Math Club we will work to raise the students marks on the tests.

While some students truly have difficulty in Math other students are experiencing difficulty because they don't practice their math skills at home when homework is assigned and/or they don't prepare for the test by studying (or studying incorrectly). In the next little while I will be taking time to go over good study techniques that apply to all the subjects I teach. Today I stressed to the students that they cannot just walk into a test or quiz and do well. Everyone should prepare.

While writing the Geography quiz today I saw a number of students in 8A and 8B who had not studied for the quiz and they were having a lot of difficulty with what should have been a rather quick quiz. I would ask that the parents help remind students to take time to study (without distractions).

I have a number of parents inquire as to how long students have to get ready for a test. I will never give a test or quiz without at least 3 days notice and usually a weeks notice is given so that a weekend is available and I will have time to offer a help session. As previously noted I gave two help sessions before the last Math test which few took advantage of. Please check the website or Twitter @mrrobertbrooks to keep up to date. The whiteboard in the classroom is updated daily with the upcoming work and events.

If you have any questions or concerns please email.

Mr. Brooks

PS I would also like to thank 8Z and 8Y for their wonderful singing today, it was very appreciated ;)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013



Math results for the Prime Factorization and Order of Operation tests will be coming home tomorrow for parental signatures. I will be going over the tests with some of the students who had difficulty on certain parts. Please take a look at the test and sign the bottom of the reflection page. The students are to fill in the last two questions under the signatures. If you have any questions please email.

Tomorrow is the first Geography quiz. It has been on the white board since last week and has been posted on the website as well. Students should be reviewing their notes and mind map templates about the Canadian Settlement Patterns. It is a short quiz in which most should do well if they have been paying attention in class, working on their mind maps, and review their notes.

I have moved the deadline for the finished mind maps in Geography (see previous post) until next Tuesday due to some technical difficulty in the computer lab. I did get an extra period for each class this week in the lab and was in both recesses today for students who wanted to work on it. I will be making myself available tomorrow first recess and lunch as well for anyone who wishes to have extra time to work on it.

Hope everyone has a good long weekend and enjoys Thanksgiving.

Not the right kind of turkey...


Thursday, October 3, 2013

First Math Test Tomorrow


Tomorrow most students will be having their first Math test in our class. Other students will be having individualized tests later next week. This test will cover the work done so far on problem solving (unit 1.1), prime factorization(1.2), and order of operations(1.3) with expressions. Students were given yesterday and today to go over a series of review questions. They were allowed to pick and choose which ones they wanted to work on based on their section in the unit that they might have had the most difficulty with. I assigned textbook questions yesterday and then provided extra practice questions today for students who wished to practice more. The students have the answers to the review questions so they can check their work.

I have offered two Math Clubs this week during morning recess where students could get extra help and practice before the test. On Tuesday it was pretty lonely as no one attended. Today however I was pleased to see a number of students show up to go over some of the work.

This time Math Club was a choice as I wanted to see which students would take the initiative to come on their own if they needed help. There were a number of students who should have made that choice but did not attend so they might be having some difficulty tomorrow. In the future Math Club will be compulsory for certain students if they seem to be struggling.

Today we also talked about how the test will be set up and how they will be expected to show and organize all of their work for the short answer and word problem questions. I went over how it was going to be marked and the reflection sheet they are expected to fill out prior to writing the test.

Once the tests are marked (mid week next week hopefully) I will be sending they home for signatures and be putting them into the students portfolios.

If you have any questions please email.

Mr. Brooks