Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Upcoming Work (Snow Day and Beyond)

I have assigned some Math work for the students in case of a snow day tomorrow (some were aghast that I would ruin their snow day with work...). We are doing a real quick mini unit on circles this week as we had already been exposed to some of the vocabulary and formulas while working on our previous UFO Kite Project. Monday we covered diameter and radius, today was circumference, and tomorrow or Thursday we will cover area of circles. Students now have a bookmark which they should use to help solve today's work. In class we did pg 245 #1-8 and they were given 6.1 and 6.2 Homework Practice sheets to work on tomorrow. If there is no snow day then the practice pages will be used for review prior to the test on Friday. There will be no permanent negative side effects if the students decide to go ahead and do extra practice.
Next Monday students have a Geography assignment due where they are comparing population, land area, and population density. We have worked on it in class and each group will have one more class period to work on it. I have modelled an example of how the comparison should be done and most students have completed their templates which help them organize and compare their country's information.
Students used the CIA World Factbook to retrieve their own countries information and then exchanged their information with two other students in the class. They are to use the note down in class How to Compare Numbers to help in comparing the data from all of the countries. Students need to hand in a good copy and their marked up and edited rough draft.
If you have any questions please email me.
Mr. Brooks

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