Monday, September 30, 2013

Geography Assignment

A mind map on mind mapping...

The students have their first geography assignment due at the end of next week. They are creating a mind map on the computer using a reading assigned in class regarding the history and patterns of Canadian settlement.

I had provided the students with the main ideas presented in the article and showed where the information for each idea could be found. We had also read the article out loud in the classroom and discussed what the important information was to highlight. The students have completed their templates that were provided in class (3 given to work on it) and I provided many clues as to how to organize their information.

With the templates completed some students were able to get the majority of their information into the computer in one class. 8A and 8B will have two classes this week and maybe one next week to complete this assignment. We have also gone over the characteristics of mind maps and how they will be graded. You can see a copy of the mind map rubric I will be using below.

This mind map will be graded and is to be used when studying for their first Geography quiz.

Here are some resources to help understand how this learning tool works and may be useful for future projects.

Links regarding mind maps:
Tony Buzan expert on mind mapping

Software: (online tool) (free trial ver) *This is the tool we are using at school.
The ipad also has free apps available for this.

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email.
Mr. Brooks

Monday, September 23, 2013

Week of September 23rd

This is delayed weekly update and an early week in the review.

Last week was a busy week in class as we really started working in Math on a new concept of prime factorization. We started by reviewing concepts covered in previous years and then moved onto the new math concepts. This was the first week that I did a homework check to see if the students completed their work. I won't be collecting work that was assigned for homework very often but I will be checking to see if it is done and then using it as a discussion piece as we go over problems encountered in class.

Homework is meant to be practice and often those who practice do better when being tested on their skills. I strongly encourage the students to check their work with the answers in the textbook for a number of reasons; to see if they are on the right track, to use the answer to work backwards when stuck, and to know when to ask questions when in class. All students are to show their steps in an organized way when solving multi step problems. A newer part of the math curriculum is for the students to be able to explain the steps they take when solving problems.

In Geography we have started to work on planning our first mind map on Patterns of Canadian Settlement. We are reading an article as a class and I have provided the students with a template to help they organize the important information before they create the mind map. I have booked two computer classes for next week which should allow the students plenty of time to complete the branches of their mind maps (if their templates are done).

In Science we have started to work on a collaborative research project where the students have to become experts on one of the steps of the scientific process by working with other experts. They then must teach the other students in the group about their topic. At the end all the experts will have shared their information and we will review the entire process as a class. This understanding of the scientific process will be very useful when they start their science fair project in the new year.

Wednesday: Cross Country Team away at meet
Thursday: Twoonie for Terry, Terry Fox run Thursday morning for grades 7 & 8
Thursday: Glow Dance $3/$5 at the door with/without a student card
Friday: NGDHS Spirit Day and Football Game in afternoon, wear your Red and Black

For the Glow Dance on Thursday students will be making their tshirts on Tuesday afternoon. The cost of the tshirt is included in the cover fee at the dance. Students who purchased a student card will pay $3 and others will pay $5. If a student does not wish to attend the dance they can go to a games room during that time. If students have outstanding work owed to their teachers they will have to finish the work in the work room prior to being allowed to attend the dance.

Thanks and I hope you have a good week.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Open House for Grade 7 & 8's


Just a reminder that NGDHS will be hosting an Open House/Meet the Teacher night this coming Monday, Sept 23rd from 5:30-6:30. This is an informal affair where the parents are invited to come and take a look at the school with their children and to meet the teachers. This is not meant to be an interview but rather a chance to put faces to names and to see your childrens' learning environment. If you should want a more in depth conversation please feel free to contact the teacher to set up an time at a later date.

I do hope to meet most of my students' parents (a few I already know from siblings) as I believe that it is an important part of a partnership between the student, parents, and teacher. If you are unable to attend that evening please feel free to email me at to introduce yourself and touch base.

Thanks and I hope to see you Monday,
Mr. Brooks

Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2 Wrap Up


The first FULL week of school (and it did seem full) might have ended on Friday the 13th but it was a good week all in all. This week we continued to work as a class to learn more about each other and I have now a better understanding of many of our members. I will be making a new seating plan next week to make sure that the students have the best learning environment.

In Math this week we did a diagnostic quiz which will be sent home next week. It is not worth any marks as it is meant to just give me information about what the students already now before we start the first unit. I have also given them a few minor tasks to see where they are at with rounding and their multiplication tables. Throughout the year we will be building on our basic math facts which will help the students as we cover the curriculum. I have not yet assigned math textbooks but I am letting students borrow them if they need to finish their classwork at home.

Our first Math homework was assigned today (pg 6-8 # 1-8) which covers a variety of skills that we will be using when working in Chapter 1 next week. I have told the students not to spend more than 25 min trying to work on it and to come back Monday with any questions they might have so we can take it up.

In Geography we have started studying patterns of settlement by looking at satellite photos to identify the characteristics of the three basic types. We will to looking further into the history of Canadian settlement and will then create a mind map next week.

In Science we are working on our Introduction to Science unit which covers some of the skills and concepts that we will be using all year in science. We had a fun science demonstration with elephant toothpaste but didn't quite get the same results as this...Elephant Toothpaste. Next week we will begin to look at the scientific process.

Please mark September 23 on your calendar as it will be our Open House night here at North Grenville. I hope to be able to meet many parents to put faces to names and have the students show you their classrooms and lockers (good night for an early clean out for some).

Hope you have  good weekend,

Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 1 Under Wraps

Well week 1 of the new school year has come to an end! This week was very busy and hectic as we worked through the new school year bugs but hopefully everything will begin to follow a regular routine next week.
I really enjoyed getting to know the students in my classes this week. We have many interesting (in a good way) students in our classroom this year. This week we covered our classroom rules as a class and I have sent home a classroom contract for you and your child to sign. The contract lays out our rules, rewards, and consequences and will be used as our guiding principles in our classroom. The students came up with many examples of what it means to respect yourself, your classmates, and your school. I will be posting a poster in the back of the classroom next week highlighting the top three examples for each of the areas of respect.
Attached to the contract is another letter which outlines our assignment policy that we decided upon as a grade 8 teacher team. Please review this as well and return it signed to the school. I have instructed the students to look it over and ask any questions they might have next week. Basically we are trying to get students to be more responsible for completing their assignments on time. If there is ever a situation where an extension is needed the student only needs to talk to the teacher before the assignment is due to explain their situation.
I have given the students their first bit of home work for the weekend. They are to finish their Coat of Arms so we can display it on our classroom wall. We had class time today to go over the project and to begin work on it.

Again we had a great week and will continue to practice and reinforce our routines so that our classroom runs smoothly.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Brooks