Friday, September 6, 2013

Week 1 Under Wraps

Well week 1 of the new school year has come to an end! This week was very busy and hectic as we worked through the new school year bugs but hopefully everything will begin to follow a regular routine next week.
I really enjoyed getting to know the students in my classes this week. We have many interesting (in a good way) students in our classroom this year. This week we covered our classroom rules as a class and I have sent home a classroom contract for you and your child to sign. The contract lays out our rules, rewards, and consequences and will be used as our guiding principles in our classroom. The students came up with many examples of what it means to respect yourself, your classmates, and your school. I will be posting a poster in the back of the classroom next week highlighting the top three examples for each of the areas of respect.
Attached to the contract is another letter which outlines our assignment policy that we decided upon as a grade 8 teacher team. Please review this as well and return it signed to the school. I have instructed the students to look it over and ask any questions they might have next week. Basically we are trying to get students to be more responsible for completing their assignments on time. If there is ever a situation where an extension is needed the student only needs to talk to the teacher before the assignment is due to explain their situation.
I have given the students their first bit of home work for the weekend. They are to finish their Coat of Arms so we can display it on our classroom wall. We had class time today to go over the project and to begin work on it.

Again we had a great week and will continue to practice and reinforce our routines so that our classroom runs smoothly.
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Brooks

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