Friday, September 13, 2013

Week 2 Wrap Up


The first FULL week of school (and it did seem full) might have ended on Friday the 13th but it was a good week all in all. This week we continued to work as a class to learn more about each other and I have now a better understanding of many of our members. I will be making a new seating plan next week to make sure that the students have the best learning environment.

In Math this week we did a diagnostic quiz which will be sent home next week. It is not worth any marks as it is meant to just give me information about what the students already now before we start the first unit. I have also given them a few minor tasks to see where they are at with rounding and their multiplication tables. Throughout the year we will be building on our basic math facts which will help the students as we cover the curriculum. I have not yet assigned math textbooks but I am letting students borrow them if they need to finish their classwork at home.

Our first Math homework was assigned today (pg 6-8 # 1-8) which covers a variety of skills that we will be using when working in Chapter 1 next week. I have told the students not to spend more than 25 min trying to work on it and to come back Monday with any questions they might have so we can take it up.

In Geography we have started studying patterns of settlement by looking at satellite photos to identify the characteristics of the three basic types. We will to looking further into the history of Canadian settlement and will then create a mind map next week.

In Science we are working on our Introduction to Science unit which covers some of the skills and concepts that we will be using all year in science. We had a fun science demonstration with elephant toothpaste but didn't quite get the same results as this...Elephant Toothpaste. Next week we will begin to look at the scientific process.

Please mark September 23 on your calendar as it will be our Open House night here at North Grenville. I hope to be able to meet many parents to put faces to names and have the students show you their classrooms and lockers (good night for an early clean out for some).

Hope you have  good weekend,

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