Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Term 2 Portfolios & Science Fair

Well term 2 is well on its way. I have started a new portfolio for the students and have changed how it will be used. I have had the students attach a table of contents to the front and we will be listing all the items that are being kept in it, the date they were added to the portfolio, and there is a signature spot as well so you don't have to sign each individual item. This will help you know what items should be there for your viewing. I will send items home in the portfolio when there is more than one item to be signed. When we have one item being sent home I will just send it home on its own for a signature and we will add it to the table of contents at school. Most students are very good at returning their portfolios but a few have habitual "misplacers" of things. Today I sent home a Math quiz and a Science quiz for signage. Both quizzes were not surprises and the students were told what to study. Some did not prepare for it very well and should try to be more prepared by completing their homework, listening in class, and studying beforehand.
This week there is a Math test on Thursday (yes a test not a quiz). Math club will be tomorrow at 1 pm and a list of those who must attend will be posted tomorrow on the board tomorrow. As always all are welcome to come in for some help.

Today we started our science fair projects. Students in both grade 8 classes have been given three pieces of the puzzle so far. A news letter went home on Monday and today they received the partner/topic and template number 1. The newsletter should be signed and bottom returned. Topic/partner and template 1 is due on Monday. Please check the website for more information and copies of all the templates being sent home. The science fair will be on April 18th and all students are expected to participate. It really is the best part of teaching science as I find it amazing what some of the students come up with and produce at the end of the project.
Many thanks,
Mr. Brooks

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Report Cards Coming Home

Old School Reports
Happy Valentines Day! It is that time of year again...report cards. Students will be bringing home their reports today and the back page has two sections that need to be filled out, cut, and returned to the school by next Monday.
There is no allocated day for interviews (should be...) but I will be happy to meet with all those who have questions or concerns regarding their child's progress. Please email me and we will work out a time before or right after school that fits everyone's schedules. I will be contacting some of you this week to set up an interview as I would like to touch base and discuss your child's plan for success in term 2.
Many students had a great first term and it has been a pleasure teaching all of them in grade 8. Term 2 is a fresh start and the last leg of their elementary school journey so I wish for all of them to end it with a feeling of success.

Mr. Brooks

Friday, February 10, 2012

HS Course Selections Coming Home

Today the students received their high school course selection books and forms. In the computer lab we signed up for their mypassport account. The course selection process will be both done online and in paper form as this is the first year that they have used the online process and well bad things can happen with technology...
I have checked off the course selection level that I would recommend based on the student's performance so far this year and on the information given to me by the high school regarding the level of difficulty each level presents to the students. I have explained to them too that it is important to choose the level that they can be successful at and which lines up with their future career plans. Last week we did do some online activity using the web site careercruising.com and the students are able to access this site at home as well. This site gave them some ideas about possible career choices and lets them know what choices they have to get to that career - be it workplace experience, apprenticeships, college, or university. So take some time and discuss with your child what might be the best choices for them. Feel free to contact me or the guidance office at NGDHS if you have any questions about the level or the process.
Have a good weekend.
Mr. Brooks
Oh yes and there will definitely be a Math Club this Monday for all those kids who just love alternate, corresponding, and interior angles...yay!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Novel Study Feedback

Novel Study Feedback

  1. Seek your strengths (power of choice)
  2. Neatness and organization go a looooong way
    1. Table of Contents
    2. All tasks labeled and with title (number and letter)
    3. All work in order and grouped by task
    4. Name on all loose parts (art, brochures, media)
  3. Use a check list (Table of Contents) to track completed work (hand all in at once)
  4. Plotline and character sketches are two different things so separate
  5. Six GOOD questions
    1. QAR (types of questions – Right There, Search and Locate, In My Head, Author and Me, On My Own)
    2. ? is one or two sentences
    3. Use 5 W's to help
    4. Higher level questions that require paragraph answers
    5. ANSWER your own questions (proof, connections, details, evidence from book)
  6. Do what you know and Google what you don't
    1. Obituaries
    2. News Articles
    3. Scripts
    4. Advertisements
  7. Can use technology but has to be more that a cut/paste image with a piece of text added to it (check with me)
  8. Make sure you follow your TIMELINE
  9. Have it with you at ALL times in case given chance to work on it

Friday, February 3, 2012

Game Projects Marked...Whew...

Firstly I wish to say congratulations to the students who really put forth alot of effort in their Board Game Project. I have spent the day marking the design, rules, and write ups and I must say I am really impressed with some of the students. When looking at a project this size you really get a good understanding of which students have developed a good eye for detail, time management, and pride in their work. We will be hosting a game day soon where other students will test out the student's creations and give feedback on their games.
I have uploaded a number of pictures of just the game boxes that I have recieved and marked so far. There are unfortunately a number of students who still owe the project and hopefully they will be done by Monday.
I will adding a link shortly to flickr ... turns out our technology at the school doesn't allow for media sharing sites...go figure.

Game Project Photos

Have a good weekend

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Snow Days

Well, another snow day! The data management test will be rescheduled for tomorrow so hopefully everyone takes advantage of the time to do a little more studying. This will be the major component for your report card mark so you need to do well.
All art projects are due tomorrow (Healthy Eating for Teens poster).
A number of students have not completed their Board Game Project which was due on Monday and a number still owe the written components even though the game is complete.

Mr. Brooks