Thursday, February 9, 2012

Novel Study Feedback

Novel Study Feedback

  1. Seek your strengths (power of choice)
  2. Neatness and organization go a looooong way
    1. Table of Contents
    2. All tasks labeled and with title (number and letter)
    3. All work in order and grouped by task
    4. Name on all loose parts (art, brochures, media)
  3. Use a check list (Table of Contents) to track completed work (hand all in at once)
  4. Plotline and character sketches are two different things so separate
  5. Six GOOD questions
    1. QAR (types of questions – Right There, Search and Locate, In My Head, Author and Me, On My Own)
    2. ? is one or two sentences
    3. Use 5 W's to help
    4. Higher level questions that require paragraph answers
    5. ANSWER your own questions (proof, connections, details, evidence from book)
  6. Do what you know and Google what you don't
    1. Obituaries
    2. News Articles
    3. Scripts
    4. Advertisements
  7. Can use technology but has to be more that a cut/paste image with a piece of text added to it (check with me)
  8. Make sure you follow your TIMELINE
  9. Have it with you at ALL times in case given chance to work on it

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