Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Term 2 Portfolios & Science Fair

Well term 2 is well on its way. I have started a new portfolio for the students and have changed how it will be used. I have had the students attach a table of contents to the front and we will be listing all the items that are being kept in it, the date they were added to the portfolio, and there is a signature spot as well so you don't have to sign each individual item. This will help you know what items should be there for your viewing. I will send items home in the portfolio when there is more than one item to be signed. When we have one item being sent home I will just send it home on its own for a signature and we will add it to the table of contents at school. Most students are very good at returning their portfolios but a few have habitual "misplacers" of things. Today I sent home a Math quiz and a Science quiz for signage. Both quizzes were not surprises and the students were told what to study. Some did not prepare for it very well and should try to be more prepared by completing their homework, listening in class, and studying beforehand.
This week there is a Math test on Thursday (yes a test not a quiz). Math club will be tomorrow at 1 pm and a list of those who must attend will be posted tomorrow on the board tomorrow. As always all are welcome to come in for some help.

Today we started our science fair projects. Students in both grade 8 classes have been given three pieces of the puzzle so far. A news letter went home on Monday and today they received the partner/topic and template number 1. The newsletter should be signed and bottom returned. Topic/partner and template 1 is due on Monday. Please check the website for more information and copies of all the templates being sent home. The science fair will be on April 18th and all students are expected to participate. It really is the best part of teaching science as I find it amazing what some of the students come up with and produce at the end of the project.
Many thanks,
Mr. Brooks

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