Monday, March 19, 2012

Sunny Summer Monday

Hope everyone had a good March Break and is enjoying this small taste of summer. The next few weeks are going to be a busy time for the grade 8's. This week they should be completing their experiments for the science fair and recording their qualitative and quantitative observations. Today in class I demonstrated my own science fair experiment and went over the steps to model how to conduct and record and experiment. Template 3 (Observations and Results/Calculations) is due next Monday. Later this week they will get Template 4 and 5 which are to be used to write their Conclusion and Application and to start designing their backboard display for the project.
In English we are still working on Summary writing and tomorrow the students will be getting their next article about tattoos that they need to demonstrate good questioning before/during/after and then summarize the article from jot notes. The second novel study is due on April 2 (TWO WEEKS) and they will be getting some time during the week to work on it in class. I will be checking on Thursday to see how well they have been following their time lines that we planned out in class when the novel study was assigned.
In Gym we have started running once a week as part of our fitness program. I am encouraging each student to set personal goals for themselves when jogging and to pace themselves so that they can build up their endurance. I am out there jogging with them and was only lapped by two students today (kinda of them even lapped my twice). We will be tracking how many laps we complete to see how far they have run by the end of the year. Again I encourage them to set their own goals but goals that challenge and push them a little more each time.
A great number of students still have not returned their portfolios with parental signatures. Please return signed so we can add to them.
Enjoy the great weather!
Mr. Brooks

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