Thursday, March 22, 2012

Tattoo Assignment

Tomorrow the students have this summary/opinion writing assignment due. They have been given a number of classes to work on it. It was assigned earlier in the week so hopefully they have used their time wisely and are ready to hand it in tomorrow.

Timeless Art or Painful Trend

This assignment will allow you to demonstrate that you are able to do a number of reading and writing skills effectively; ask questions to better understand a reading, create jot notes, to summarize the main points effectively, and to clearly state and support an opinion on an issue.

 Focus Questions
      1.    Do you think tattoos are simply a modern trend or are they a traditional art form?

2.    Is it okay for teenagers be allowed to tattoos without parental consent?

     1.    Create 5 good questions you might have based on the article title and class briefing. BEFORE

2.    Use a highlighter to find the main points and important information of the article as it relates to the focus questions.

3.    As you read the article write down at least 5 good questions that come to your mind. DURING

4.    When you are done the article write down at least 5 questions you now have regarding the topic. AFTER

5.    Go over your highlighted reading and create a set of jot notes (organize with subtitles).

6.    Write a short precise summary of the article using your jot notes.

7.    Write a short opinion for focus question 2.

 Assessment Notes

·         All of the tasks are to be handed in so they should be typed and organized by task number and title.

·         Your questions will be assessed by how thoughtful and detailed you are (you need to think and connect when questioning).

·         You jot notes should be neat and organized into subheadings with only the important facts stated in your own words.

·         The summary needs to be short, include all the important information, and in your own words (refer to summary writing notes and feedback from previous exercises).

·         Your opinion piece needs to use the information provided and further research to back up your position on the question.

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