Friday, September 28, 2012

Week in Review Sept 24-28

It was a busy week at North Grenville for our students. This week the students had their first dance, a presentation by the OPP on texting, and got to attend the JR boys football team's first game against St. Marys.

Students had their first Math test today on exponents, powers of ten, math strategies, and prime factorization. I gave extra time to both classes for students who were needing a little more time to complete their work. The students had access to our word wall and the anchor charts in the class room that they were allowed to use as a reference. A number of students had taken advantage of the Math Club that was offered earlier this week to get extra help or review.

I will be marking and looking at the results to see how the students prepared and fared on the test. This is our first test and it will give me a better understanding on how the individual students have been doing. After this test I will make adjustments to some of the student's programs to help ensure everyone's needs are being met and that success and progress are experienced by all.
Next week I will be sending home a portfolio containing the Math test. This portfolio will have a sign off sheet on the front for parents and will be sent home are certain intervals for signing. This will keep you informed as to the student's progress and achievements.

There are many outstanding newsletter sign off sheets that have not been returned yet. If you have the newsletter at home please return the sign off portion or write a note in the agenda indicating that you have received the newsletter.

Hope everyone has a good weekend,
Mr. Brooks

Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 17 2012

Last week was another short week for the students but we are progressing nicely as a class - I know and usually get all the students' names correct on the first try! We have begun to work on our first unit of Math covering some basic numeracy that will include scientific notation, factoring, and some basic algebra. In Science students have completed their first homework assignment on how to label and diagram and will be beginning to do a little group project on the scientific process. We have also started looking at human settlement patterns in Geography using satellite images to identify the characteristics of each of the three types. In Art students received feedback on how to improve their work and have been given an extension until Wed. to revise their art portfolio projects.
This week the students will be getting a new updated timetable as we have finalized the gym schedule that works with the high school 4 week cycle of classes.
A friendly reminder to all students who have not returned their information forms to the office to do so as soon as possible as they are overdue. Also, all class contracts are now due so please return ASAP.
This week the cross country team will be competing in Ottawa, next week there will be a Terry Fox run and a video dance at the school on the 27th (during the day). Students have been told that all outstanding work must be completed if they wish to attend the dance. A homework room will be provided so that the work can be finished.
There will be an Open House night on Sept 26th from 5:30-6:30. Just a note that I will not be able to attend as my daughter's school is having it's open house on the same night.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Many thanks

Friday, September 7, 2012

End of the First Week

Well we have all made it to the end of the first week of school. It has been a good week of getting to know the students better and starting off our studies.
Many students demonstrated a good start to their year by finishing their first assignments on time and with care. The classes have been good at participating in discussions and learning the school routines here at NGDHS. While we are still working out some of the glitches I think next week will be even better as we move forward.
Just to note that students with SEA laptops will be getting them next week, the IT group was in today re-imaging them so that they will work on the new school network. Next Tuesday is also picture day so make sure you are all cleaned up and not wearing green.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.
Mr. Brooks

Monday, September 3, 2012


Hello and welcome to the start of the new school year!

This is a very exciting year as the new school opens it's doors to the students from grade 7 to 12. I am happy to be teaching in such a modern and well designed school. It was great o meet some of the parents at the orientation last week and I look forward to continuing to get to know my students and their families over the next few weeks.

There will be a newsletter coming home this week which will have a contract on the back that needs to be signed and returned. Each of my and Ms.Fenlong's students will be getting a timetable on the first day to show how their classes will be laid out. This being our first year at this school there will inevitably be changes and minor tweeks along the way as we work out how to best run the school. One thing to note is the changing gym time as we are sharing the facility with the high school and they run on a different schedule than us which leads to some interesting planning.

I will be doing my best to try and update this blog weekly so that you are aware of what we are doing in class as well as highlighting some of the student's personal achievements.

I look forward to a fun and educational year!
Mr. Brooks