Monday, September 17, 2012

Sept 17 2012

Last week was another short week for the students but we are progressing nicely as a class - I know and usually get all the students' names correct on the first try! We have begun to work on our first unit of Math covering some basic numeracy that will include scientific notation, factoring, and some basic algebra. In Science students have completed their first homework assignment on how to label and diagram and will be beginning to do a little group project on the scientific process. We have also started looking at human settlement patterns in Geography using satellite images to identify the characteristics of each of the three types. In Art students received feedback on how to improve their work and have been given an extension until Wed. to revise their art portfolio projects.
This week the students will be getting a new updated timetable as we have finalized the gym schedule that works with the high school 4 week cycle of classes.
A friendly reminder to all students who have not returned their information forms to the office to do so as soon as possible as they are overdue. Also, all class contracts are now due so please return ASAP.
This week the cross country team will be competing in Ottawa, next week there will be a Terry Fox run and a video dance at the school on the 27th (during the day). Students have been told that all outstanding work must be completed if they wish to attend the dance. A homework room will be provided so that the work can be finished.
There will be an Open House night on Sept 26th from 5:30-6:30. Just a note that I will not be able to attend as my daughter's school is having it's open house on the same night.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Many thanks

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