Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekly Schedule for November

Weekly Schedule for November

This is our schedule for the week and the day numbers fr the month of November. Students need to be aware of what day/week it is so they can have their gym clothes and instruments with them on the right day.

Gym for 8A/8Z is on Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4.
Gym for 8B/8Y is on Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4.
Music for 8A is on Day 5.
Music for 8B is on Day 2.

Hope this helps keep everyone organized.



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Unit Math Test Home Monday


In Math the students have just finished writing their unit test on Thursday. With the progress reports coming up this an important measure as to how the students are doing in Math class at the end of the second month. Prior to the test students had a couple of days of algebra review in class, then on Monday I gave the class a practice test which contained a sample of all the types of questions that they had already encountered in their homework and that would be on the real test. I also put a checklist of all the things we need to know and study for on the board which I had the students copy down.

On Tuesday I put the students into Math groups (all of which contained a wide range of math skills) where they went over their practice test answers together asking questions and demonstrating to each other how they solved the problems. Near the end of class I gave each group an answer guide which they could use to double check the answers. During this time I visited each group to see if there were any problems that the groups could not handle.

On Wednesday last week I offered a Math club at second recess and only had four students show up for the extra help (some students forgot to check to board to see if they were "invited" to join me). Math club consists of those who volunteer to come and those who are volun-told to be there. After this Math unit test, the volun-told list has grown...

The Unit test covered all the math that we had covered so far and included some of the same questions that were on the first quiz that has already gone home for signatures. During the test the students were allowed to use the word wall (definitions and examples of the math concepts covered), there was anchor charts on the wall for referencing some of the more complicated parts, and were allowed to use their Math bookmarks that were create and update in class (reference notes). I gave extra time at both first and second recess for any students who needed some more time to work on their answers (a few used both recesses).

On marking the tests I have calculated the average for both Math classes, 8Y had a class average of 75% with 11 A's while 8Z had a class average of 73% with 7 A's.

Unfortunately in both classes there seems to be a number of students who are not completing work, seeking extra help, accepting extra help when offered, or preparing properly for the quizzes and tests. Next week I will be going over the tests with the students and then starting a new unit in Math. I will be talking to some students at recess about their marks. There will be students who will get a passing with difficulty this term in Math on their progress reports but we will continue to work at raising our Math marks and more importantly our understanding of the math concepts covered in class.

I ask that parents check regularly with their children to make sure that they are completing homework when assigned and are preparing (in advance) for tests.

Many thanks
Mr. Brooks

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Geography Mindmap Redos


A number of students have had their Geography assignments returned to them to fix up or redo as they did not meet the basic criteria set out in class. For this assignment the students had numerous class periods and a week at home to complete it. Many students did not follow the mindmap guidelines found in their notebooks and in the sample mindmap completed in class. They were also provided with a planning template so they could extract the important information and then create the mindmap based on this content.
I had provided the students with the five main ideas presented in the article and showed where the information for each idea could be found. We had also read the article out loud in the classroom and discussed what the important information was to highlight.
Given the time and support given I had high expectations for the quality of the finished work and quite a number of students failed to meet these expectations. I have given the individual students feedback on what to improve/fix as well as presented the common problems and mistakes to the class as a whole.
The redone or fixed assignment is due this coming Monday. The content of this mindmap is also central to the quiz that the students are getting on Thursday in geography.

Here are some resources to help do and understand how this tool works.

Links regarding mindmaps:
Tony Buzan expert on mind mapping

http://www.mindmeister.com/ (online tool)
http://www.inspiration.com/ (free trial ver)

Many thanks
Mr. Brooks

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Oct 19th

Tinfoil Racketeer of the Seas

This week the students began working on their tin foil boat challenge in Science class. It is a fun activity in which they work as teams and have to design a tin foil boat that can hold the most amount of weight. We used this activity to walk through the scientific process and to introduce the concept of buoyancy in relation to fluids. The boats will be tested early next week with the winning team getting a "fantastic" prize.

In Math we have completed our first unit and will be having our unit test next Thursday. We will be doing in class review and there will be a Math Club next week at recess to go over concepts the students may be having problems with. The test will cover everything that we have done so far this year, including the content in their first math quiz.

In Geography we have started to look at population density and will have quiz next Thursday on Patterns of Settlement and Population Density. Only a few students need to finish their mind maps which were due last week.

Next Monday students will be bringing their portfolios home from me which will have their Science test and mind map rubric in them. Please sign the front cover once you have reviewed the work and return the portfolio to school. The students' first Math quiz will be in it as well and the students are permitted to borrow it for a studying tool for the Unit Math test.

Progress Reports have started and I believe they are suppose to go home the week of November5th.

Hope everyone has a good weekend,

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Math Quiz Coming Home

Just a quick note to let you know that students are bringing home their first Math quiz for parental signage today. This was our first quiz and was based on our first few weeks of Math class. Students overall did well but there were a few who do need to make sure they do better on the end of unit test. If they improve their mark then the end of unit test will count for more. To note there seems to be a relationship between work completion and the mark scored on the quiz. I will be offering a special Math Club prior to the unit test to make sure that the students are prepared. We went over the quiz today in class and reviewed the areas where most students seemed to lose marks. Often it was not reading the question properly.
Once returned I will be putting together a portfolio of the students work that will have a signing sheet on the front. I usually send items home in batches for signing so that I am more likely to get the signed assignments and tests back. These portfolios will be beneficial when doing interviews with the students.

Reminder that this week is the strudents' first Science Test on the scientific process. Students have completed their group work, I have given an answer quick reference sheet (level 2 answers), we have done an overview with a graphic organizer, and tomorrow will be review day with studying strategies and a Jeopardy game. This is a short answer test and students may use their assistive technology. The questions for the test have been selected from their expert group answer sheet (so they actually have the quiz in their science notebooks right now...).

Mr. Brooks

Friday, October 5, 2012

Enjoy Thanksgiving

Mean Lookin' Turkey

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend and enjoys the extra day off. This week students wrapped up their Science project for the scientific process. They worked in group and then we collaborated as a class to complete the questions. The students will have a test on this unit next Thursday. I have given each student an answer sheet that contains basic level 2 type answers to the questions they were assigned. I have told the students that the test questions will be coming right from the group answer sheets that they have completed in class. If any student has not completed their answer sheet they need to see me before the test. Over the last few days a number of groups have come in for extra time to complete their work.
We have also wrapped up our order of operations lessons in Math and next week we will be starting a short algebra unit. This will be followed by a Unit 1 Math test.
In science students of 8A have a response piece due on Tuesday (we did have class time to work on this and it was assigned on Wed). The piece is a personal response to the topic and the information presented in the short TED Talks video Why Eat Bugs?.
Next week in Geography will be finishing off our mind maps about the patterns of settlement and then will be starting to look at human population density and distribution. Students will have a small quiz during the week of Oct 15th.
In Art we continue to explore lines with students using Halloween colouring pages to experiment with a variety of line styles. Next week they will begin their own individual projects.

Hope you have a great weekend,
Mr. Brooks