Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First Math Quiz Coming Home

Just a quick note to let you know that students are bringing home their first Math quiz for parental signage today. This was our first quiz and was based on our first few weeks of Math class. Students overall did well but there were a few who do need to make sure they do better on the end of unit test. If they improve their mark then the end of unit test will count for more. To note there seems to be a relationship between work completion and the mark scored on the quiz. I will be offering a special Math Club prior to the unit test to make sure that the students are prepared. We went over the quiz today in class and reviewed the areas where most students seemed to lose marks. Often it was not reading the question properly.
Once returned I will be putting together a portfolio of the students work that will have a signing sheet on the front. I usually send items home in batches for signing so that I am more likely to get the signed assignments and tests back. These portfolios will be beneficial when doing interviews with the students.

Reminder that this week is the strudents' first Science Test on the scientific process. Students have completed their group work, I have given an answer quick reference sheet (level 2 answers), we have done an overview with a graphic organizer, and tomorrow will be review day with studying strategies and a Jeopardy game. This is a short answer test and students may use their assistive technology. The questions for the test have been selected from their expert group answer sheet (so they actually have the quiz in their science notebooks right now...).

Mr. Brooks

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