Friday, October 5, 2012

Enjoy Thanksgiving

Mean Lookin' Turkey

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving weekend and enjoys the extra day off. This week students wrapped up their Science project for the scientific process. They worked in group and then we collaborated as a class to complete the questions. The students will have a test on this unit next Thursday. I have given each student an answer sheet that contains basic level 2 type answers to the questions they were assigned. I have told the students that the test questions will be coming right from the group answer sheets that they have completed in class. If any student has not completed their answer sheet they need to see me before the test. Over the last few days a number of groups have come in for extra time to complete their work.
We have also wrapped up our order of operations lessons in Math and next week we will be starting a short algebra unit. This will be followed by a Unit 1 Math test.
In science students of 8A have a response piece due on Tuesday (we did have class time to work on this and it was assigned on Wed). The piece is a personal response to the topic and the information presented in the short TED Talks video Why Eat Bugs?.
Next week in Geography will be finishing off our mind maps about the patterns of settlement and then will be starting to look at human population density and distribution. Students will have a small quiz during the week of Oct 15th.
In Art we continue to explore lines with students using Halloween colouring pages to experiment with a variety of line styles. Next week they will begin their own individual projects.

Hope you have a great weekend,
Mr. Brooks

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