Friday, November 30, 2012

Game Project


We have just completed our first week of working on our Math Game Project. Students are working on finishing their prototypes for testing next week. The game project focuses on geometry using a coordinate grid. The project incorporates Math, English, and Art so the students have been given a fair bit of time over the last three days in both Ms.Fenlong's and my own classes to get all of their planning done. I have been working on my own project alongside the students (Vikings vs Goblins) so they can see me model the process. Today we had Mr. Reed come in (a student from last year) and present his project which was a 4+. I told the students that it exceeded the expectations and that showed what we are capable of achieving.

I will be updating my website this weekend so that copies of all the templates are available. The deadlines for the project have been added to the calendar on the site as well. On Monday the students are expected to have the model of their board, game pieces, and rules/flowcharts completed in rough copy so that they can test it out with other students in class. Each student will receive a feedback form filled in from their focus group that they will then use to incorporate into their good final copy of the game.

Here is a link to last year's box designs for the games (some were great, others...)
Last Year's Project Pics

Game Project Outline

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