Monday, January 21, 2013

Circle Word Problem

Here is the circle word problem assignment that is due tomorrow. We went over it in class and students had time to work on their rough copy. Tomorrow we are starting our Algebra unit.

Example of Multi-Step ProblemBrett and Emma have 50 meters of plastic edging that is used to enclose (surround) a garden. They want to make the biggest circular garden possible.

What is the radius and diameter of the biggest garden they could make?

What is the circumference of the garden?

What is the area of the garden?

They have a large statue of a garden gnome, to go in the center of the garden, with a circular base. The base has the diameter of 1 meter.

What is the area of the garden they now have to plant in?

They are to add new top soil to the garden and it costs $3.00 per square meter ($3.00/m). How much would the soil cost in total?

Create a word problem that involves but is not limited to the math we have learned in the circles unit (radius, diameter, circumference, area)

Use the textbook and notebook as examples of the types of problems you can incorporate. Don't copy.

The steps should be multi-step meaning that the answer isn't "easy" to get.

You need to print/type the question on one page and include the answer separately on another. All work is to be labelled and neatly laid out. A diagram is to be included in the answer.

Your name, the date, and the title need to be on the top of both pages.


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