Thursday, January 17, 2013

Game Day was a Success!

Today the grade 8 students presented their board game projects to the grade 7's in the cafeteria. Each grade 8 was paired up with another presenter and they had to demonstrate, explain, and play their games with 4 or 5 grade 7 students from the other classes. There were 48 grade 8 presenters and almost 100 grade 7's participating.
The 8's did a great job running their game groups and the grade 7's were extremely attentive and seemd to be having fun testing the games out. Ms.Fenlong and myself will be marking the games (for all the included subjects - Math, Writing, Media, & Art) over the next week. Students who were not here today or forgot their games will be presenting to another group of sevens next week at recess.

Here are a few pics of the games and their designers:

Congratulations to the grade 8's for a job well done and all the effort and creativity that was put into these projects!


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