Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 2

Congratulations goes out to 8A as today they all had their first homework assignments done (I haven't had this before!). Today we put their Coat of Arms up on the wall and got down to some real school work. In Math we introduced the first unit for Numbers, Variables, and Equations. We began our review of concepts covered last year and the students were given 3 questions to work on in class and finish at home for tomorrow. In English we read our first short story and completed some comprehension questions in our Reading Response Journal - sharing our answers with the class. Students are asked to bring in their independent reading books for tomorrow. We do have a very small classroom library and we will go to the school library soon if the students cannot find a novel to read. Each student is expected to have their reading material with them each day and we will soon begin with the expected 20 minutes of reading at home at night.

Today I finally got to meet Mrs. Tyler's 8B class for science. A contract was sent home regarding classroom rules and agreements that needs to be returned once signed.

Reminder that a number of school documents have been sent home for signatures, the agenda money is due, and each students agenda should be signed nightly as I will check for signatures at the end of each day with my homeroom in order to make sure parents are aware of homework and upcoming events.

Many thanks

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