Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunny Monday

Hope everyone enjoyed that summer like weekend we just had. Today in class we had a little Math quiz on the first 3 lessons we have covered. This was only a small quiz meant to show me how the students work individually in a quiz situation. In class many times the students work with their seating partner(s) so I wanted to see how they did when tested as most seemed to be doing very well when we checked homework and classwork in class. This was not a unit test and there was no review done in advance (which will happen on all other Math tests).
Today the students had to hand in their Science Title page a number of students did not have this completed (assigned last Thursday), some stayed in to complete others are bringing them in tomorrow. Motto, "If it is not here, it is not done."
Reminder that tomorrow students are to have their art portfolios completed. Half the class has already got theirs on the wall ready for Open House Night this Thursday.
Senior boys soccer tryouts continue tomorrow and cross country running training begins tomorrow as well.
Students are expected to have gym clothes every Monday and Thursday. They need to be ready to go outside for gym. We are playing soccer and unless it is raining we will be outside on the soccer field. Students are allowed to wear track and running pants for gym. It is chilly but that is why we run. Being prepared for gym class is part of the overall grade for physical education and is directed related to being able to demonstrate skills in the activities we are doing in class.


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