Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 3

Today we finished covering some review for the skills the students will need on the upcoming Math unit. A number of students did not finish all the questions in class so pg 7-8 #4-8 we assigned for homework. The answers are found at the back of the textbook and students have been told to correct their own work and fix any mistakes they might have. Due to time constraints in class not all questions are taken up. By the students checking their own answers they will know which questions to ask to be taken up in class the next day. As I have told the students I am available during recess for help as I am usually in my classroom if not on yard or lunch supervision.
The class had their first independent reading period today - unfortunately all brought their own books for reading. Fortunately I do have some books in the classroom, although my selection is somewhat limited. Tomorrow during computer lab students will have the opportunity to quickly pick a book out of the library if they need new reading material. Students are expected to have their independent reading with them at all times in class. Next week part of the students homework will be to read 20 minutes a night on their own.

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