Friday, September 24, 2010

Summer Friday

A quick thank you to all those parents who came out to the open house last night. It was great to finally get to put some faces to people's names and to see those I already knew but didn't know would be there (whole small world thing - especially when my father THE Mr.Brooks has taught some of the parents...).
Today students were reminded of the importance of not talking out in class (again) and were reminded about how rewards only come when the work is done...and done well.
Yesterday students had a chance to test some of there tinfoil boats they designed - the current record in 103, but there are more boats to come.

In Art we worked again no our abstract line projects and they are now due on Tuesday morning and there will not be any more time in class for the work.
In Math we are close to wrapping up our first unit which means next week we will be starting review and having a practice test.
Students finished their Memoir Analysis paragraph today in the computer lab and handed them in. Next week we are startig to plan out and rough draft the student's own memoirs.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Mr. Brooks (jr)

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