Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading the Outsiders

Just a quick note to let you know we have finished reading Chapter 1 of the Outsiders and the comprehension questions for that chapter are due on Friday. Question 1 is to be done on the table handed out in class and only focus on the characters description and eye colour. Questions 2-14 are to be done inside the Novel Study Journal.
Students have made their predictions as to what might happen in Chapter 2 using a plot line prediction diagram and have started to read chapter 2 independently (I had read chapter 1 outloud).

On another note I am working on the Progress Reports that will be going home in November and I had the students do a self evaluation of learning skills as I think it is important that students reflect on how they think they are doing. It definitely provides me with some insight on whether the students and I are on the same page when it comes to the expectations.

Math homework is page 67 4-9. Most students seemed to have a good understanding of the Scale Diagram Quiz we had today and when marked they will be going home for signatures.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Freezing Friday

Hello and TGIF
It was a busy week this week with the Intermediate Boys winning second place in the Regional Championships - CONGRATULATIONS to the team and their great coach :)
The week we wrapped up our group work in Science class regarding the scientific process and will be watching Mythbusters next week to create a sample lab report and see science in action. If you haven't ever checked out this show it is highly recommended as it covers many aspects of the scientific process.
In art we have completed our line art projects and the students are getting lots of positive reviews of their work posted in the hallway. We have now started a fall scene with incorporates line art, colour, and painting. The rough copies are looking good! The students sought inspiration on our outdoor hike on Tuesday through the woods - we all made it back.
Math was a tough week as we tackled scale drawings and proportions. Many students have struggled and we have taken more time to cover it. There will be a quiz next Tuesday or Wednesday only on Scale Drawings.
The students have begun to read the Outsiders in English class now that our Memoir Unit is complete. Each will have a Novel Study Journal in which their work will be kept. We have read Chapter 1 today and need to complete questions 2-5 in full sentences in their journal.

Next week we will be having a Halloween Dance on Friday and the class will be having a small celebration just before. Students have been encouraged to sign up to bring one item in and share it with the class. Please no peanuts or kiwi. We have a number of students with different allergies so please be aware of what students are brining in.
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week Wrap

Well today was a sad day in our classroom as we said farewell to Mrs.Oakley who has been our EA since the beginning of the year. Many students bid a teary goodbye over cake at the end of the day. It made a huge difference having her in our class and we look forward to having her drop by for a visit.
Many thanks to all the parents who signed the first Math test. Math Club started yesterday and will continue next week to help bring some of the lower marks up and make sure students have a better understanding.
Students had their final hour of computer lab time today to work on their memoirs and many completed their good copies. The final copy is due on Monday (if it is not here it is not done).
We also had our final class for our Line Art Project which is due Tuesday. Again, some students have really used their classtime wisely and completed their work early. Remember that it is not just the drawing but the types and styles of lines that are used.
Next week the senior boys soccer team will be playing in the Regional Championships, hopefully the class will be able to walk over to cheer their classmates on.

Have a great weekend

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Math Test Coming Home

The first real Math test of the year is on the way home tonight for parental signatures. The students have a reflection page on the front that I have them fill in prior to the test and after they have recieved their mark. Please sign the test and send it back to school where it will be put into the student's portfolios.
Overall the class did relatively well. Those students who had difficulty will be part of Math Club and will have opportunities to get extra help and to show understanding this week and next.
One area of improvement for all students is to show all the steps in their work and to keep their work organized. Quite a few lost marks because steps were missing or that their work was not clear. Students are encouraged to show their work so that they can easily spot mistakes when checking it over, make the teacher's life easier, and so that I can give them part marks when the answer is incorrect but all the steps are properly shown.
One area of strength is that all students answered each question, showing perservence when doing the test and not giving up when frustrated. We will continue to work on studying and test taking skills in class. On a lighter note, I didn't see any of this on the test (unlike my grade 13 Chemistry test...)


Monday, October 4, 2010

Test Tomorrow

Well it's time for our first Math test. Today we finished taking up the practice test in class and students were able to ask any questions they had. Last Friday we had a Math Club meeting where students could get extra help if they needed it.
A number of questions were assigned in class that the students could pick and choose from (if they got that type of question all right in their homework and practice test then take time to focus on another type that they didn't). They were to choose from pg 43 2,3,4,9,10,12,14,15,16ab,17ab,18.
I recommend that students take at least a half hour to review the practice test and their classwork tonight in preparation for the test.
Also, tomorrow the students will need to have their rough copy of their memoir complete so we can do the first revision in class. Students should be using their planning template as a guide and making sure they are including the Characteristics of a Memoir (see classnote) in their writing.
Congratulations to all the cross country runners who went out today and represented South Branch! Good work!


Friday, October 1, 2010

Finally No Rain

I hope everyone is drying out today.
In Math we will be having a quiz on Unit 1 next Tuesday. Today we wrote and began to take up a practice test which most students seem to be doing well on. We will finish taking it up Monday and do some more review before the Tuesday test. I encourage all students to review their work and practice a number of questions from each section of the Math Unit.
In English class this week we studied using timelines to help organize information and details in both fiction and nonfiction writing. Students have finished their brainstorming and prewriting for their own memoirs. They started their rough copies today using their graphic organizers and each should be completing the 5W's and First Section of their memoir. The memoirs will be due in final good published copy October the 12.
In Science this week we started studying the scientific process in which the students will be working in Expert Groups to learn about one aspect of the process then share this information with other Experts from different groups. This project will cumulate with the students writing a test and creating a lab report using a Myth Busters episode.
Photos are due back October 12th
Book orders are due October 8th
Walkathon in next Friday and all pledges are due by then. Our classroom goal is $600.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.