Friday, October 15, 2010

Week Wrap

Well today was a sad day in our classroom as we said farewell to Mrs.Oakley who has been our EA since the beginning of the year. Many students bid a teary goodbye over cake at the end of the day. It made a huge difference having her in our class and we look forward to having her drop by for a visit.
Many thanks to all the parents who signed the first Math test. Math Club started yesterday and will continue next week to help bring some of the lower marks up and make sure students have a better understanding.
Students had their final hour of computer lab time today to work on their memoirs and many completed their good copies. The final copy is due on Monday (if it is not here it is not done).
We also had our final class for our Line Art Project which is due Tuesday. Again, some students have really used their classtime wisely and completed their work early. Remember that it is not just the drawing but the types and styles of lines that are used.
Next week the senior boys soccer team will be playing in the Regional Championships, hopefully the class will be able to walk over to cheer their classmates on.

Have a great weekend

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