Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reading the Outsiders

Just a quick note to let you know we have finished reading Chapter 1 of the Outsiders and the comprehension questions for that chapter are due on Friday. Question 1 is to be done on the table handed out in class and only focus on the characters description and eye colour. Questions 2-14 are to be done inside the Novel Study Journal.
Students have made their predictions as to what might happen in Chapter 2 using a plot line prediction diagram and have started to read chapter 2 independently (I had read chapter 1 outloud).

On another note I am working on the Progress Reports that will be going home in November and I had the students do a self evaluation of learning skills as I think it is important that students reflect on how they think they are doing. It definitely provides me with some insight on whether the students and I are on the same page when it comes to the expectations.

Math homework is page 67 4-9. Most students seemed to have a good understanding of the Scale Diagram Quiz we had today and when marked they will be going home for signatures.


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