Friday, October 1, 2010

Finally No Rain

I hope everyone is drying out today.
In Math we will be having a quiz on Unit 1 next Tuesday. Today we wrote and began to take up a practice test which most students seem to be doing well on. We will finish taking it up Monday and do some more review before the Tuesday test. I encourage all students to review their work and practice a number of questions from each section of the Math Unit.
In English class this week we studied using timelines to help organize information and details in both fiction and nonfiction writing. Students have finished their brainstorming and prewriting for their own memoirs. They started their rough copies today using their graphic organizers and each should be completing the 5W's and First Section of their memoir. The memoirs will be due in final good published copy October the 12.
In Science this week we started studying the scientific process in which the students will be working in Expert Groups to learn about one aspect of the process then share this information with other Experts from different groups. This project will cumulate with the students writing a test and creating a lab report using a Myth Busters episode.
Photos are due back October 12th
Book orders are due October 8th
Walkathon in next Friday and all pledges are due by then. Our classroom goal is $600.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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