Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Math Test Coming Home

The first real Math test of the year is on the way home tonight for parental signatures. The students have a reflection page on the front that I have them fill in prior to the test and after they have recieved their mark. Please sign the test and send it back to school where it will be put into the student's portfolios.
Overall the class did relatively well. Those students who had difficulty will be part of Math Club and will have opportunities to get extra help and to show understanding this week and next.
One area of improvement for all students is to show all the steps in their work and to keep their work organized. Quite a few lost marks because steps were missing or that their work was not clear. Students are encouraged to show their work so that they can easily spot mistakes when checking it over, make the teacher's life easier, and so that I can give them part marks when the answer is incorrect but all the steps are properly shown.
One area of strength is that all students answered each question, showing perservence when doing the test and not giving up when frustrated. We will continue to work on studying and test taking skills in class. On a lighter note, I didn't see any of this on the test (unlike my grade 13 Chemistry test...)


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