Monday, November 22, 2010

Jungle Sport Week

This is a busy week with the students participating in Jungle Sport which is a huge climbing apparatus that is set up in the gym. The grade 8 class will have almost 3 hours of climbing time this week on Wed and Thurs. All permission forms need to be in or else the students are unable to participate. Next week we are off to Nationview Public School to try out their Design and Technology program. I will be working on with the kids on designing a mechanical delivery system and Mrs.Chamberlain will be showing how to use some of the wood working tools. We have three day trips booked (the next three Mondays).
There are still outstanding Progress Reports and Outsiders Novel Studies that need to be signed and returned to school. I have warned the students that I will be keeping them in at recess if not returned tomorrow (they have had over a week of warnings).
In Math we have started an in class project involving patterning that should keep us busy until next week. In English we are moving onto Chapter 7 of the Outsiders - chapters 1-6 questions/tasks/vocabulary should all be complete if the students are keeping up. The Art project using paint and pencil crayon to create a fall scene is complete and many students have produced very nice looking pieces of art that are now on display.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Science Test Tomorrow

There is a science test tomorrow on the scientific process. Here is some sample questions answers that have been gone over in class. Today we did some review as a whole class discussion and went over some studying ideas (not just staring at you book). The test is made up of a selection of these questions that were covered as part of the students group research project as well as the fishbone diagram, the flowchart, and the Mythbusters sample lab report that was done as a class.

Review Starts Here -----------------------------------------
Scientific Process Quiz Review

1. Identifying Variables and Controls
Why is it important to identify variables?
It allows you to ask good questions, make predictions, and design a meaningful experiment.

What are independent and dependent variables?
An independent variable is anything that the experimenter may change. A dependent variable is the effect of the changed variable has.

How many variables will a scientist test at one time? Why?
Only one so that they will know which cause produced the effect (change).

Why are these controls necessary? (give an example of not having a good control in an experiment)
To eliminate the possibility of an unknown variable.

2. Asking a Question
Can every question you have be tested? Why or why not?
No, some questions are too vague or too general.

What is a testable question? (explain cause and effect)
A question that is often about the cause-effect relationships. It asks what causes the change in variables and what effects on a variable does changing another variable have.

What is the difference between an independent variable and dependent variable? (use example)
An independent variable is the cause variable and is the one that the scientist will change in the experiment. A dependent variable is the effect variable and it is what a scientist would measure in the experiment – it is affected by the variable changed by the scientist.
For example:
Testing static electricity the independent variable would be how many times you rub the balloon on someone’s head. The dependent variable would be how long the balloon then sticks to the wall.
What does a testable scientific question ask?
A scientific question asks what happens to a dependent variable when we change the independent variable.

3. The Process of Scientific Inquiry
What is science?
Science is the knowledge of the world around us, it is how we learn by observing things, asking questions, proposing answers, and testing those answers.

What is a hypothesis?
An explanation for why you believe something occurs, from this you can make a prediction that you can test through experimentation.

When you make a prediction you state the cause and the effect. These two things are also known as what?

Once you have conducted your experiment and recorded your results what must you do with your results?
You must analyze and see if the results support your hypothesis.

Why is it necessary to communicate your procedure and conclusions clearly?
So that the experiment can be repeated and the hypothesis reevaluated.

4. Predicting and Hypothesizing
What is a hypothesis?
An educated guess as to why one variable affects another in a certain way.

What is a prediction usually based on?
Past experience, observations, logic, and on scientific theory you may remember or research.

What is the difference between a prediction and a hypothesis?
A hypothesis is how you explain a prediction that you will test in an experiment. If the experiment confirms your prediction you can be more confident that your hypothesis is correct.

Give an example of a hypothesis for a question and the predictions you could make for the cause and effect.

5. Designing an Inquiry Investigation
What are the four major considerations you must take prior to beginning an experiment?
The variables, observations, equipment, and the procedure.

What is the first step in designing your inquiry investigation? Why is it important?
Defining your variables so you can control them. Dependent and independent.

Prior to making observations what two things do need to think carefully about?
What you are going to measure and how you are going to record your data.

What could you create to assist in deciding what materials and equipment you need and how you are going to use them?
Use a diagram that will illustrate the materials, equipment, and the procedure.

Why is recording your procedure important?
So that anyone will know exactly how to duplicate your experiment.

When writing a procedure what should you use?
Numbered steps, passive voice, and past tense.

Review End Here ----------------------------------------------------

Hope everyone studies and good luck!

Monday, November 15, 2010

This Week at South Branch

Later this week students will be bringing home their Outsiders Novel Study which has been marked for Chapters 1-3. Many students need to put more effort in to their comprehension questions and add both detail and reasoning to their explanations. Students will continue to work on the Outsiders for the next couple of weeks. Currently we have finished reading up to chapter 5 and are now working on the Chapter 4 and 5 activities.
Last week we wrapped up our Ratio/Percent Unit in Math and I am still marking the unit test that will also be sent home for signatures. Today we began our new topic of Patterning and Algebra with a class discussion and some sample questions. Students will be given a project to complete in this unit in addition to the final unit test.
On Thursday students will have a test on the Scientific Process which covers all the questions they were given during their group work. Students should study these as well as the fishbone diagram and flowchart that we have created in class. The Mythbusters lab report should be used in answering the questions to help provide examples of the different aspects of the scientific process. The students need to study for this test as it covers a fair bit of new material.
Many thanks

Interviews Thursday

As the newsletter sent home last week indicated the interviews will be taking place this Thursday from 3:30 - 5:30 to discuss the Interm Progress Reports. If you want an interview please contact me via email or through the student's agendas. Each interview is meant to be about 10 minutes in length and to go over the learning skills and subject area performance.
Any questions please email or call.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Interm Reports Coming Home

Parents & Guardians please note that the new Interm Reports have been sent home today. This replaces the Fall Report Card the has gone home in the past. Please contact me via phone or email should you have any questions regarding the comments or levels of achievement that your child has earned this term. A regular report card with grades will be coming home in Febuary.
Another change this year by the school board is that there is no set interview day or evening. All contact must be done on an individual basis via phone, note, or a scheduled meeting. If you wish to meet please contact me as a time that works for both the family and the teacher needs to be agreed on.
All Interm Reports are to be sent back to me with the students comments on it (bottom section page 2) and with a signature so that I can be sure all the invested parties (parents/students/teacher) have looked at the document. These will be checked off and returned to you for safe keeping. The school already has a printed copy of the report on file. Please have them returned by Thursday.
Many thanks

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Tests Old and New

Tomorrow we will be having our first Outsiders Quiz. There will be 17 multiple choice questions and 2 short answer questions on Chapters 1 to 3.
Going home today are the student's Scale Drawings Tests which need to be signed and their English memoir which also needs to be returned signed to go into the student's portfolios.
We had a Sales Tax, Discount, and Commission CheckUp yesterday which was marked and handed back to the students. This is not a for marks quiz but a for help quiz. From the quiz I have listed the students who experienced some difficulty and we will be having a short Math Club tomorrow at recess for extra help. We will be having a unit test next week so I want to make sure the students get a better understanding before then.
Reminders that next week is a short week with Friday as a PD Day and the new Interm Progress Reports will be coming home early in the week.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Outsiders Chapters 1-3 Due Friday

On Friday students will be handing in their Novel Study Journal for the Outsiders. Here is a checklist as to what is due for Chapters 1-3:
* All comprehension questions for Chpt 1-3 written in complete sentences with pages numbers where evidence from book has been found.
* Short chapter titles and a paragraph for each that explains why their title is relevant, interesting, and doesn't give too much away.
* Timeline jot notes to be used later to generate timeline for novel.
* Vocabulary definitions for chapters 2,3
* Plot Prediction Diagrams for chapters 2,4 (predict what will happen in each of them based off of the previous chapter(s))
* Flashback paragraph - why used in chapter 2
* Book prediction paragraph - what is this book about based on front and back cover
Some students have used their classtime wisely and have completed all of their work in class. I was sick two days this week and the guest teachers gave the students two full periods to just complete their work.
Tomorrow we move onto chapter 4 so no more class time will be give to the first section of work.
