Monday, November 22, 2010

Jungle Sport Week

This is a busy week with the students participating in Jungle Sport which is a huge climbing apparatus that is set up in the gym. The grade 8 class will have almost 3 hours of climbing time this week on Wed and Thurs. All permission forms need to be in or else the students are unable to participate. Next week we are off to Nationview Public School to try out their Design and Technology program. I will be working on with the kids on designing a mechanical delivery system and Mrs.Chamberlain will be showing how to use some of the wood working tools. We have three day trips booked (the next three Mondays).
There are still outstanding Progress Reports and Outsiders Novel Studies that need to be signed and returned to school. I have warned the students that I will be keeping them in at recess if not returned tomorrow (they have had over a week of warnings).
In Math we have started an in class project involving patterning that should keep us busy until next week. In English we are moving onto Chapter 7 of the Outsiders - chapters 1-6 questions/tasks/vocabulary should all be complete if the students are keeping up. The Art project using paint and pencil crayon to create a fall scene is complete and many students have produced very nice looking pieces of art that are now on display.

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