Monday, November 8, 2010

Interm Reports Coming Home

Parents & Guardians please note that the new Interm Reports have been sent home today. This replaces the Fall Report Card the has gone home in the past. Please contact me via phone or email should you have any questions regarding the comments or levels of achievement that your child has earned this term. A regular report card with grades will be coming home in Febuary.
Another change this year by the school board is that there is no set interview day or evening. All contact must be done on an individual basis via phone, note, or a scheduled meeting. If you wish to meet please contact me as a time that works for both the family and the teacher needs to be agreed on.
All Interm Reports are to be sent back to me with the students comments on it (bottom section page 2) and with a signature so that I can be sure all the invested parties (parents/students/teacher) have looked at the document. These will be checked off and returned to you for safe keeping. The school already has a printed copy of the report on file. Please have them returned by Thursday.
Many thanks

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